五感的體驗設計:Sports Social View

UX Backpacker
5 min readJan 19, 2021


2020年,我在日本體驗設計領域看到最有啟發的設計莫過於「Sports Social View」。

我首先是在「Translations」展(Dominic Chen策展,21_21設計美術館)接觸到這個計畫。伊藤亞紗和渡邊淳司的概念和實踐完全打中我的好球帶。最初他們是從想要對視覺障礙者翻譯/傳達體育實況出發,然而隨著他們獲得更多洞察關於運動員怎麼「體驗」運動,他們的計劃完全改變方向。大多數的時候,運動員並不單只依靠視覺,還包含更多不同的認知感受。比起「看運動比賽」,有更多方式去「體驗比賽」。最後,他們協同奧運教練和選手們創造出十種「大創百元VR解決方案」,用拖鞋、筷子或者衛生紙等等日常用品創造虛擬現實。我佩服得五體投地。超爆笑又超感動。





這幾年自己參加了幾個醫療照護的專案,但是我所接觸到的大部分討論,都是專注在數位醫療病例的大數據和減輕業務負擔的服務設計,很少有人討論身體性。更不要說透過非螢幕的認知感官來創造體驗了。渡邊和伊藤對我最大的啟發,就是感受的「擬態」。透過類比性的經驗進行感受、判斷與思考,其實和affordance直接相關。雖然還不確定自己可以怎麼把haptic design落實在下一步的設計工作中,隨著HCI慢慢離開螢幕,這種跨感官的體驗設計,對於online to offline的影響應該更重要。想到這裡,這幾年對狹義UX只關注視覺介面的不滿,還有對於設計的熱情又全部回來啦,哈哈。

One of the most inspiring finding in the experience design scene in 2020 Japan would be the project “Sports Social View”. I first encountered the project in the exhibition “Translations”, curated by Dominick Chen in 21_21 Design Sight. The concept and practice by @Asa Itou & @Junji Watanabe totally hit my spot. In the beginning, they start from translating/broadcasting sport lives to visual impairment people. However, more insights about how sportsmen act change their track. Most of the time, sportsmen doesn’t only count on their sight but also many other cognitive feelings. Instead of watching, there are more space for experiencing. By the end, they developed many 1-dollar VR solutions, building virtual reality with commodities such as slipers, chopsticks or toilet papers with Olympic professionals. This totally blow my mind! So hilarious and astonishing.

You can get a vibe from the video as below:



Unfortunately, better versions are not put online.

The project is documented as narrative documentaries on the official website “A Catalog of Invisible Sports” and just released as a book, getting recommended as one of the best book in 2020. Everyone who cares design should read it.


